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How to Stay Healthy While Travelling

Travelling is such an amazing experience, getting to explore new places, cultures and cuisine. However, when most people travel, they forget one thing that is very important, their health. It can be hard to stay healthy when you are exposed to different climates, weird hours and food. This article will provide insight on how to stay healthy while on the road so you don’t get sick and enjoy your trip. From what to pack, to keeping active these tips will help keep your energy and vitality on the go.

Preparation Before Travel

With some advanced preparation you can be healthier there than you are at home. Start with research into your destination. What climate zone is it in, what kind of food will you find there, and what are the health issues you should be aware of? Go on a dietary expedition and find out what you can and can’t handle, ideally so you can pack lightly, but if not, then perhaps at least prepare your digestive system. If the region is tropical, bring mosquito repellent and sunblock. If your destination has unusual dietary practices, you might be able to prepare yourself and avoid some gastrointestinal trauma.

Besides doing research, you should also ensure you get a pre-travel health check-up with your healthcare provider, particularly if you have underlying health conditions. With a good idea of where you are traveling, your doctor can prescribe vaccines, medications, and other health matters that are most useful for your destinations. For example, you might need vaccines for yellow fever or typhoid based on where you are going. A first-aid kit might be justified and advisable, including essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, and common medications like antibiotics and pain relievers, in case you sustain minor injuries or become ill.

Finally, make sure you have adequate travel insurance to cover health emergencies. If you become ill or injured unexpectedly, being covered by insurance will reduce stress for you and your family, and will minimise financial and logistical burdens. Review your policy carefully for coverage levels and, importantly, for details of evacuation and medical evacuation in case you need them. Consider making electronic and hard copies of your insurance documents (and copies of your important medical information) so you can find them when you need them most.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

Healthy eating is an important part of staying healthy while travelling. It gives you more energy, boosts your immune system, and keeps your digestive system in good condition. Whenever possible, try to eat a good meal shortly before you leave, that way you’re starting the journey on the right foot. Eat a protein and fat-rich heavy meal to help keep your energy and blood sugar up.

As much as possible, try to eat at the normal time and thus let your metabolism ‘set the clock’ and not fall out of balance, which would facilitate overeating. Similarly, when you’re trying new local, regional or national dishes, restrict your portions, particularly of the higher calorie food dishes, and try to get some fruit and vegetables with each meal. These can provide valuable nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that boost your immune system. Avoiding stomach ailments from food borne illnesses means avoiding the street food that you haven’t seen the chef prepare, or you’re not sure about your food water purity.

Staying hydrated is important as well. Bring a reusable water bottle and refill it all day long. Dehydration can cause tiredness and contribute to other health problems, especially if you’re visiting a hot climate or taking a long flight. If you’re not comfortable drinking tap water at your destination, aim for bottled or filtered water. Also, avoid drinking too much caffeine or alcohol, which can dehydrate you and affect your sleep.

Staying Active

Being physically active while travelling helps you with your health and well-being. It keeps your body healthy and at the same time decrease your travelling stress and enhance your mood. By physically active, even for a short time such as a short walk, stretching your body or other form of exercises. Many cities are promoting walking tours, so this is good activity as it helps with your staying healthy while discovering the city at the same time.

if possible, choose BnBs with gyms or hotels near a park or running trail. Good thing, these are easy to pack and relatively light – you can use a resistance band or a yoga mat, indoors or outdoors, for an indoor workout. You could also sign up for hikes, bikes or water sports in your destination town.

There is another alternative to conventional sports: active transportation is a good idea, especially for short distances, walking or biking instead of taking taxis or public transport – apart from the health benefit, if you do it yourself you touch your destination more closely. Movement can now counterbalance the benefits of long and fast revolutions that happens in transporting from A to B, mostly sitting – give your body some flexibility, movement and energy.

Managing Sleep and Rest

But how can people ensure themselves a healthy journey? Resting well plays an important role. It helps the body to recuperate from day-to-day activities, boosts immunity and eases pressure. My personal suggestions would be to ensure that your sleeping pattern is adjusted to that of your destination a few days before a flight, does this help you mitigate the effects of jet lag?

In a hotel, hostel or any other Airbnb accommodation, it can be hard to create a quiet sleep environment so you can get some recovery sleep. You can get earplugs, which are easy to carry and you can use a white noise app on your smartphone. Having an eye mask on can help you deal with room lighting. Design a bedtime ritual so that you send a sleeping signal to your body – for instance, reading a book or doing a few minutes of light stretching exercises to prepare you for sleep. Stop eating three hours prior to bed. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants for at least an hour before bed time. Put down your smartphone and other devices.

Where it seems the most likely to be helpful is if you’re traversing a big chunk of time zones on your travels. In that case, short, daytime naps can help you maintain your energy levels. (Of course, one risk is that taking extended naps can intrude on your nighttime sleep, so keep them short if possible.) And of course, the added bonus is if you can stay active during the day and get out in the natural light. When you can come away from a trip feeling refreshed and not run down, it can really enhance your vacation.

Hygiene and Safety Practices

Basic hygiene practices such as washing your hands with soap and water at least a few times a day and before meals are the main defense you have against becoming ill while travelling. in some situations when you have no access to soap and water (or public bathrooms), using a hand sanitiser with alchool concentration of at least 60 per cent is a good idea. In addition, you might want to keep some travel-sized products – such as hand sanitisers, wipes and tissues – with you for keeping clean on the go.

Take care with food hygiene to avoid gastrointestinal problems. Look for restaurants or food stands that look clean and busy as high turnover means fresh food. Avoid raw or under-cooked food, especially where food poisoning is common. Wash fruit and vegetables if you have any doubts about the quality of the water they have been washed in. Drink drinks without ice to avoid putting yourself at risk from contaminated water.

Furthermore, you should take measures to protect yourself from the environment. Use insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites that can carry diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Wear sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Being aware of your surroundings and practising good hygiene will help you enjoy your trip while also staying healthy.

Mental Health and Well-being

Traveling can be stressful and mismanage stress can hurt your mental health. As a result, you might want to pay attention to managing your mental health on the road. One thing you can do is to manage your expectations. While it would be great if everything works smoothly, it rarely ever does. As a result, preparing yourself for the possibility that something might go wrong and going with the flow can help reduce anxiety about travelling and enhance your travel experience.

Use relaxation techniques as part of your daily routine, such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga; take the time to let your mind relax, for example read, listen to music, sit in nature; and be in contact with friends and loved ones to strengthen emotional bonds and decrease feelings of loneliness.

Third, build in rest days and a less intense itinerary. Spend time off doing restful tasks so you also have reflection time and won’t risk burnout. Deliberately planning moments of pure joy, meditation and mental rest will add to your mental health, improving your traveller’s experience so that you will be primed for the next opportunity to have a health-promoting, memorable and tribal happy trip.


If you are thinking about having a holiday or just travell for another reason, then traveling is the best to have breathtaking experience while making beautiful memories with amazing travel buddies.
To stay healthy while traveling, this essential strategies illustrated are preparing fit to travel, maintaining good nutrition, remaining physically active, managing your sleep cycles, taking care of your hygiene, and lastly, compensating to your mental health.
If you follow these effective strategies while travelling, then that can be a great opportunity to explore the world in a healthy and memorable way. Although, you don’t need to worry about your health during your trip as it will be a remarkable one.

Claire Jensen
Claire Jensen

Claire Jensen is a renowned blogger and writer specializing in food, health, and travel. With a background in Nutrition and Food Science, she has built a loyal following through her engaging blog and social media presence. Claire shares nutritious recipes, wellness tips, and travel stories, emphasizing a balanced and joyful approach to living. Her work has been featured in top health and lifestyle magazines, and she has authored two best-selling cookbooks. Claire also conducts wellness workshops and cooking classes, inspiring her audience to embrace a healthy, vibrant lifestyle.

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