Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Louie Stark

Louie Stark

Louie Stark is a seasoned blog writer and Senior Editor with over ten years of experience. He excels at transforming complex ideas into engaging, reader-friendly content across various topics. Louie focuses Architecture, Automotives, Games and Technological aspects. As Senior Editor, Louie leads the editorial team, ensuring high-quality, relevant articles. His collaborative approach and dedication to excellence foster a creative environment. Louie also mentors junior writers, helping them refine their skills. His passion for storytelling and commitment to quality make him a key asset to the blog and its readers.

Re-emergence of Oropouche Fever

Oropouche fever is an emerging, vector-borne disease that currently causes disease mostly in certain areas of tropical Central and South America. Oropouche fever is a viral, often mild infection that is transmitted to humans by the bite of midges and…